Noisy combines physical modelling and subtractive synthesis

New Expressive E Noisy soft synth

Noisy combines physical modelling and subtractive synthesis

Portrait of musicmanta author Christof Baer with blue tint in circular shape
Christof Baer
last updated this article on 
January 19, 2022
 and first floated it on 
March 9, 2021
New Expressive E Noisy soft synth

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A noisy new synth plugin

Expressive E launched a new plugin instrument, called Noisy.

The synthesis engine is based on acoustic resonance, which is used to manipulate noise and waveform inputs. The principle from acoustic string behaviour was the inspiration here. This signal can be changed through 6 different resonators - from classic filters to comb filters.

Modulators follow this synthesis stage, which can be assigned to a graphical X-Y modulator. Noisy also enables the mixing of 2 different presets. The final stage is a FX section with extra resonators, delays, reverbs and other effects.

Constant modulation seems to be at the heart of the plugin, with the dark interface introducing pops of colour.
I would expect the modulations can be easily mapped to Expressive E's hardware, such as the Touché or Touché SE.

Our View

On paper, this is a new take on synthesis, merging two technologies. The demos sound good, like a mixture of analog and wave table synthesis. But with a price of nearly €180, and no trial available, I won't be rushing out to buy this just now.

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Expressive E Noisy

  • Full Price: $149
  • Sale Price: $89 (from 18th January 2022 to 17th January 2022)



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